Friday, September 25, 2009

Violet is 1

365 days ago I gave birth to Violet. It was pretty easy and fun. Except for, you know, the last 30 mintues. Then my placenta was so attached to me it just couldn't bear to leave but my uterus was trying its darndest to evict the reluctant placenta. The result being that my impatient uterus was merely forcing voluminous amounts of blood through the tenacious placenta's open vessels. Since this experience I would never be afraid to bleed to death. Minus the painful uterine contractions bleeding to death would be a very tolerable way to die. Just a ringing in the ears and some tunnel vision then...nothing. The only really uncomfortable thing about it (again, minus the painful uterine contractions) was fighting to maintain consciousness. For Grant, who looked scared but stalwart, but mostly for my baby who'd just been born and who I wanted to meet and nurse and coo over. It was many hours (8 to be exact) after her birth before I really had the presence of mind to be her mother and I miss those hours immensly. She has been such a joy since those first moments when I finally got to be with her and I wish that I hadn't missed any of it. I wish I had been able to enjoy her from the first second when her outside body temperature was still the same as my inside body temperature. Here she is a year later with her hair constantly in her eyes and her brothers and sisters constantly adoring her.


Kristie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FAKE BABY!! She is definitely a special one. A great addition to Slookfest '09!

Julie said...

She is the bangs in her eyes! I didn't know your delivery was so "eventful". I am happy you are still here with us...and happy that bleeding to death would be a better way to die than cancer. So if I get cancer I will just cut off a limb and wait for the nothingness. ahhhh..

Karen said...

Awww...the only one of your kids I feel like I really know. In fact, after spending those two days with her this summer, I think we are best friends. =) She's a cutie!

Tricia said...

Is it wrong that I'm sitting here laughing while I read about your near-death experience? Stop being so funny, Sally! It's your fault.

Your ordeal sounds a little bit like (but surely worse than) my C-section with extremely low blood pressure. I didn't get to see the twins for a couple of hours and was sad about that too.

Happy Birthday, Violet!

Winter_FroniterSurvival said...

Happy Belated Birthday Violet! I can't believe how much you have grown! Love you and miss you guys!

Rachel said...

Little V is super cute. Though I did get a bit distracted in thought when I was thinking about you bleeding to death.

The Driskill Family said...

Ahhh - your little baby that I got to meet! She is SUCH a cutie! :-) I didn't know about your scary birth experience (or after-birth experience) -- it sounds terrible!Although you did an awesome job describing it - your vocabulary is incredible! Good to catch up with you on your blog today....