Thursday, April 17, 2008

Nothing to say

I have nothing to post about except this question that has been plaguing me all day. How does one get the motivation to constantly put laundry away? Some household chores MUST be done, like the dishes, or washing the clothes. Those chores I have no problem with. In fact, I can't go to bed unless they are done because I can't stand the thought of having to start my day with yesterday's must be done chores. But putting away laundry? It's just too easy to put off. I mean, a clean shirt off the floor is pretty much the same as a clean shirt out of the drawer (especially if you just shove clothes into drawers without folding like I usually do) so it doesn't really NEED to be done and therefore I hardly ever do it. There is just something supremely annoying about folding, sorting and putting away laundry. You try to condense the piles but there are always too many miscellaneous piles, like the the unmatched socks pile, or the rag pile, the clothes that must be hung up pile etc. And going back and forth to all the various nooks and crannies of the house putting everything away, I just can't stand it. And yet, I also can't stand piles of clean laundry around the house. It just screams A Worthless Homemaker Lives Here. Even though I generally cook nutritious food, keep the dishes clean, keep the floors swept and vacuumed and even get to the bathroom about once a week (to clean it, I get there a lot more often to urinate) I just cannot stay on top of the laundry. The piles are always there mocking me, telling me that my house looks like a pigsty even though I've done a bunch of other cleaning. It's constantly eating away at my self-esteem. There is a fresh pile right now on the couch, it's telling me "You should have put me away instead of writing this ridiculous blog post."


Julie said...

Man I hate putting laundry away too. Alot of times I fold it on my bed and hope Trent will at least put his away, but instead bedtime rolls around and he tosses all of it on the floor and then I don't know whats clean and whats dirty and the cycle begins again.

JS said...

Sally and Grant!!

hey its cousin Jen (sorensen) Scott! I just keep finding all these great family blogs I had no idea about. I am gonna put you on my blog roll.

I can't believe how big your kids are, or the fact that you have 4! The last time I saw you guys Rune was like 2.

Check us out at

Love, Jen