Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'm pleased...

with the new president. I'm not going to go politics here because I know that most of my friends, family and neighbors have different political views than mine and are probably disappointed today and I love you guys more than I love my opinions. But I can't help saying that today is a happy day for me and I look forward to a future of peace, not war, prosperity for the majority, not the few, and healthcare for everyone! Okay, maybe America is not ready for the last just yet......someday.


garcias said...
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Julie said...

Sally, I was not offended. I am only offended that your sister reads my blog but doesnt ever comment. You would be interested to know that when Barack Obama was announced president a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders and I felt relieved. The most important issues to me are typically republican, but I can honestly say I would be scared to death if McCain was president. I also have been pretty embarrassed by most republican and the way many behaved during this election, especially when they boo'd during McCains speech and he had to stand up for our new President. Then on the reverse side when President Obama praised John McCain some of the democrats booing at all. Just in case you were interested, those are the thoughts going around in my head today. I just love that you say what you feel and you don't care if you agree or disagree with others...its just how you feel. I love that.

Kristie said...

I'm pleased too!! Actually, I'm ecstatic. And I appreciate that comment from your friend, Julie, too...

Sera said...

Hi, I don't know you but I got to your blog through friends of friends and I just want to say that I too am really excited to see the direction that our country is headed. May brighter days be ahead for all of us.

Sally said...

Woo Hoo!! A comment from someone I don't know. I'm moving up in the world!

Anonymous said...

Joe and I are very pleased as well. We are counting down the days... to our new President elect Obama moves in!!! Things are already happening.