Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Garden

This post is entirely boring and written merely so I can remember what and where I planted things in my garden, because if I write it down anywhere else I will either lose it or forget where it is.

Rows listed from grass side, not fence side.

1. ta-mei hwa daikon
2. kohlrabi
3. kohlrabi
4. "Hybrid one kilo" bai tsai
5. li sun sweet cabbage
6. broad leaf mustard green/nan fong mustard green
7. san-ho mustard green
8. lettuce
9. Taichung 13 edible podded sugar pea?
10. dwarf grey sugar pea?
11. dou miao pea shoots? (totally unsure of order of peas)
12. ta-mei hwa daikon/cilantro
13. kaoshiung chang dou
14. kaoshiung chang dou
15. suhyo long cucumber (plus on thai eggplant on end)
16. hybrid tasty queen cucumber

To be continued as weather warms.


Tricia said...

I'm so jealous of your garden. We're still waiting to see if we can even plant one here since chopping down a dozen trees to heaven (must wait for the rest of the trees' leaves to be fully in)- which means no garden this year.

Karen said...

Wow...I think I only recognize the word "lettuce." =)

Rachel said...

I can't believe you can already plant a garden. My kids LOVE to watch the garden grow!

Shari said...

*Sigh* I can't wait to have a garden someday!

Bluebird & Company said...

yay for a garden! We still haven't started ours.....yet. hopefully soon.
Those sound like some cool things you're planting.

Paul Jurek said...

I may be wrong but I think three of what you planted are controlled substances. The DEA must be quite lax in your area. On the other hand, if you are using them for "medicinal purposes" I suppose you are fine.

Seriously, I love planting gardens and watching them grow too. I have yet to get my two boys into the green thumb spirit. Maybe if I said I was planting kryptonite. They would think that was cool. If they were teenagers I imagine the controlled substances like you plant would impress them.

JS said...

I am super impressed..

I hope to have a garden someday, as of right now I have a tomato plant on my porch.

Um.. and I only knew the word lettuce and pea.