Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My kids, when learning to talk, have all made pretty much the same grammar mistakes. Drived, sleeped, putted. Using object pronouns for subject pronouns. Not using the adverbial  -ly properly. Etc. But Violet has been regularly using one that I haven't heard yet. She's taken the words am and not and created the contraction amn't.

Violet, are you being naughty?
No! I amn't!

 I find a lot of these grammar accidents fascinating because they are usually arrived at logically and you can see how the child has internalized so many of the rules just not all of the exceptions. But other times words and sentences come completely from left field and that's even better!

 What are some good ones you've heard?


garcias said...

Apparently, (because of your lack of comments), no one else has such dim-witted children, and their children's language are perfect. Just kidding. Violet is super cute when she uses her word. I know I amn't as cute as she is.

Xenia says "urs" for your. I love it and refuse to correct any grammer mistakes.

Paul J said...

My favorite, one that always transports me back to when Sean was about 4, is the word "bavinna." That was his word for vanilla. It was the last word that he changed up.

I'm with garcias, I don't correct grammar mistakes either. They are too endearing. Now math errors - that's a different story. The shackles get tightened if math errors are made. :)

Julie said...

Instead of yesterday, my neice always said "Less day". I thought it was genius.

Shari said...

One of my favorites was when Kate was three and we went to Disney World. For some reason she started calling Epcot "Peach". The only thing we can figure is that Epcot sounds like apricot and since peaches and apricots look similar, that's how she came up with Peach.

We are also currently LOVING how Bruce says granola bar. He says, "Unga-bar".

Kristie said...

That is definitely creative!