Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I was amused and disturbed today to find out that Alma and Violet have engaged in a practice they call "Train Potty."  According to them it is very useful when two people have to go to the bathroom at the same time, although I suspect there are size limitations as to how big a person can be to make use of Train Potty.


garcias said...

Size limitations, I am sure, also include location. I am sure you can have lots more individuals and size variation if, let's say, we were outside using the play potty in the secret club house in the bushes.

Shari said...

Our very first apartment in Ephraim had actually been a boys dorm at one time, but was switched to married housing. Maybe you've heard this before, but we had a unique bathroom. Our shower was a large room with four shower heads, and the bathroom had two toilets, side by side, with no partition. Jon and I joked at how "romantic" it was that we could sit side by side while taking care of business -- we could even hold hands, if we wanted to. ;)

Sometimes, with a family of six and only one bathroom, I really miss those side by side toilets. Too often we have someone in an extreme panic because they "need to go so bad" but someone else in already on the toilet. I don't think I'll recommend the train potty to my children, though. Sounds like it could get messy.