Monday, March 31, 2008

A Good Day

So far. I got up this morning and fixed breakfast for Grant, myself and the kids. Eggs, of course, since we are swimming in them. I changed a dirty diaper. I made sandwiches for lunch and even did the dishes. All of this with no help. A major turning point and I feel really proud of myself. I've enjoyed the day with my kids and feel like I am seeing them again after a long absence. I looked at my blog and saw that I got one comment on my last post. Thank you, Julie, for not completely giving up on me and checking my blog again! Maybe soon I will graduate to posting pictures again. The best part of today was looking out the window and what did I see? Blossoms popping on the apricot tree. It seems poetic and poignant to me that the awakening of spring is coinciding with my emergence from the dark place I have been. Oh, and if I seem to be waxing literary lately, (poorly, I'm sure!) it is because I have been reading War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy and the Russian authors always have that effect of me. Hopefully I will finish the book in a week or so and it will pass!


Rachel said...

Save some apricots for me. I am glad you are feeling better!

Angie said...

Happy you have turned a corner! I love reading your posts...

Flops said...

you know Sally, we really like you.