Monday, May 12, 2008

Sheep Shearing

If I was really country I would say Sheep Shearin' but there is no use pretending. Anyone who saw my garden last year would know how inept I am at farming skills. They are worse than Napolean's shading skills. My chickens haven't even laid eggs for 3 days now. Not only that, after so many years teaching English in Taiwan poor grammar grates on my nerves like fingernails on a chalkboard. Anyhow, we had a great time Saturday helping some friends shear a few of their sheep. Well, Grant had a great time doing that while I had a great time chatting with Sara(h?) and standing around with the camera taking pictures. And the kids had a great time jumping on the tramp and playing with pieces of poo off the ground.

The sheep are quite calm once they are forced down. That's Sara in the background with her cute pregnant belly. I haven't yet reached the cute belly stage. I'm still in the throes of the "Gee, doesn't Sally look kind of fat recently?" stage. And look! Grant gets to use his new overalls for a real purpose.

Grant really is shearing here and not just performing anal surgery.

What is it with men and forgetting to apply sunscreen?

Up close and personal.

The wool under these sheep was gorgeous. Sara cleans it up, spins it herself and knits the most amazing and beautiful things. She also makes awesome gouda cheese. Some people have all the talent. Oh, and for some reason it looks in these pictures like Grant did all the shearing but really Nate did most of it.

Lily's hair usually looks pretty much like this even when she isn't jumping on a trampoline.

And don't forget this cute little guy.


garcias said...

I don't know how you always meet the coolest people. So is Grant ready to get sheep so you can start spinning and weaving too.

JS said...

you do find the coolest people. I don'ty know anyone who has sheep, shears them, spins the wool, and turns it into beautiful hand crafted items... and is pregnant! is this Sara super woman?

Looks like fun, where do you live now? It looks very desert like.

tiff said...

Wow. What a post! The closest I can get to that is that I cut the boys' hair once every two months....

And I have to laugh, because in our family, only the girl (me) ever wants to wear sunscreen. The baby has to because I can still hold him down. But even Jake hates putting it on. He has this things against using any kind of lotion....

Julie said...

Your kids are getting so big. How fun! And Grant looks great in overalls. I am pretty jealous of you guys and your farm lifestyle.