Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pet Peeves

1. Computer games at the library.
Why do libraries have computers with kids games??!!?? I spend enough time at home trying to pry my kids off computers and convince them to do something else that actually uses brain cells or muscles. I can't stand it that I have to fight with them at the library to pay attention to the BOOKS and to stop looking sideways at the computer. I don't care if they are "educational" games, the library should be about BOOKS, for crying out loud! I have hereby banished ANY computer playing at the library, it's much easier this way.

2. Breech babies.
Which mine is, dangit.

1 comment:

tiff said...

i hate computer/video games in general. Probably because I'm not into them, I feel like they are the biggest waste of time.....(Not that I don't waste my time in other ways.) I vowed we'd never get them. By now I've accepted that some day we will probably buy some kind of system, because I'd rather have my boys and their friends playing at OUR house (with the games I'VE okayed) than somewhere else.

Sorry that baby is breech. (Did you find out the gender?) Does it still have time to unbreech(?) before birth?