Monday, August 4, 2008

I'm back.....briefly

We just got back from our 6 weeks in Oregon. It was a great time, but I never posted because a) my parent's computer was a lot slower than mine and I couldn't deal with the wait and b) we were just having too much fun to bother with the computer. And now that I am back I need to study like a maniac to complete my BYU Independent Study course in Human Anatomy before the deadline of August 28. So I probably won't be around much before that date. But you never know, so keep checking in.


Jennifer Never said...

Studying and neglecting your blog?? Madness.

tiff said...

How fun you got to visit for so long! (Or is it still fun when it's that long?)

I took Human Anatomy at BYU too--the regular course, though. That is one tough class. I loved the lab, though. It made me want to donate my body to science when I die, so other people could learn. Jake takes issue with that, though, so I'm just an organ donor for now! :)