Thursday, June 19, 2008

Glucost Tolerance Test

I'm 24 weeks now and had to take the GTT this morning which consisted of eating 48 jelly beans on an empty stomach. Now, I never eat candy so I thought this might be kind of fun to enjoy some jelly bellys. I started out eating one at a time and quickly realized I would never get them all down in the allotted 5-10 minute time frame at that rate. I tried to speed it up but even after much diligence and will power it took me over 15 minutes to finish them. My teeth were stinging, my mouth was coated--I never thought eating jelly beans could be so awful. Next time I will take the sugar drink instead. Wait, there will NOT EVER be a next time. Woo hoo! I sincerely apologize for my glib attitude about my pregnancy to any who are having troubles conceiving at this time. I do know how it is. My first was conceived by IVF and I distinctly remember how it feels to be infertile. I am so grateful for my kids and the chance I have to raise them (although I am doing a CRAPPY job of it right now) but I would be lying if I said I wasn't grateful to be done. It's been a blessing for me to experience both sides of the coin because I am better able to empathize with more women. I find because of my experience with infertility I appreciate my kids (and kids in general) more, I take them for granted less and I wouldn't dream of judging a woman who finds it hard to be excited about another's pregnancy. But my experience with trying to raise so many young children and suffering pregnancy that IS a sickness has made me so much less judgemental about the way other people raise their kids. I wouldn't dream of judging a mother whose kids are ratty haired and snotty nosed and whose house is "disorderly." Both of those women are me.

I don't know how I started talking about jelly beans and ended up soliloquizing about my life's experiences. It's probably because I am avoiding my duties for the day due to the fact that the jelly bean episode has left me feeling really nauseous and the fact that I have to change the oil in the van, go to a midwife appt., and wash and pack all of our clothes for the trip we are taking to Oregon tomorrow. It's so much easier to sink into random inner thoughts than to deal with my real life.


Shari said...

I've never heard of eating jelly beans for that test. It sounds gross! I'm a little scared to do that test this time and drink that orange drink. Now that we're off refined sugar, and I never drink soda, I'm really not looking forward to it!

Jennifer Never said...

You are really good at using big words! And knowing you, those words I can't pronounce come naturally to you. I'm so sorry you are so sick Sally, but thank you. Whenever I get the urge for another baby, all I have to do is click on "Sally S." on my blog, and poof! It goes away. It's great you can still find joy in it all though. It really is an amazing process not to be taken for granted. Have a good trip!

JS said...

Never had to eat the jelly beans, but the drink I think is WAY worse. It is the worst thing ever! Mine was like 7 up not the orange drink, and it was nasty. I hope you feel better... and just think, you will see your mom in a couple days and she can take over so you can take a nap. :)

Tell your mom and dad hi for me.

Julie said...

Uggg...I hate jelly beans so that story is really bad in my eyes. I ate a kingsize snickers for mine and in all honesty...I could have eaten 2. I think you are a great mom. Someone once told me that its important for your kids to experience you being a bad mom so they can appreciate you when you are good. Opposition is all things right? Have fun in Oregon. I am jealous. I would love to go there.

Jennifer Never said...

Time to blog again Sally!!!

tiff said...

You are so funny, Sally! I'm sorry you're so sick, though.... I haven't had to take the glucose test with any of my kids yet; lucky me! I like jelly belly's (at least, I used to--I haven't had them for ages), but eating that many sounds gross. And I'm not even pregnant.