Thursday, June 4, 2009

Nothing to say

Just trying to get rid of the garbage post because it no longer applies since we are officialy houseless and no longer have the responsibility of a city garbage disposal container.

What to say. Hmmm.

My sister in law Krys said that she only types in one space after periods and that her college professor told her to do that. Is this the new thing? I have a difficult time implementing this but I will try hard if it is the new wave in word processing. I don't want to be the old fart that can't adapt to 21st century.

The other week we were watching the movie The Freedom Writers. I thought it was a great movie and was feeling very inspired and shocked by condition of some of the students lives. The kids were watching with us and Eliseo mentioned that he liked the movie. I asked why and he gave some typical boy answer about "because they fight in the classrom." I felt disappointed and angry about his answer and with my very serious 'mother' look on my face said "You think it's funny that people hate each other?" Rune gravely said "No, it would be funny if Earnest P. Whorl crashed through the middle of the ceiling on a bungee cord." (Obviously, the kids have been watching Earnest movies on Netflix) I haven't laughed so hard since my slook days of college. I'm sure you had to be there, but I found it so funny that I couldn't sleep because I kept laughing. It was so bad that I was snickering all through the prayer that Grant tried to say that night before bed which is funny because that is the exact thing that we are constanly getting angry at Elieso for doing. So Thanks to Rune for the great laugh.


Karen said...

OK, so your post bring several comments to mind...

Why are you houseless?

And is it really the new thing to only put one space after a period? That is seriously going to be a problem for me. That and I should probably stop teaching my kids the old way. =)

And then laughing during the prayer... I can vividly remember getting the giggles during family prayer as a kid and how frustrated my parents would get. Now that I'm a parent, I get it. Of course, I still have an occasional relapse (especially when Courtney prays and says something funny), so it's good to know I'm not alone.

Which reminds me of the time my mom and I were in the temple together. We were heading upstairs to the chapel, and she tripped on her dress. We both lost it and could NOT get back in control. On the one hand, I was horrified at our inability to stop laughing (considering our location and all), yet on the other, it just seemed beyond my capacity to control it. We couldn't even look at each other the rest of the time because we would start laughing again. My poor dad...he wanted to disown his wife and his daughter! =)

garcias said...

I can't totally picture Rune trying to help you out and say something like that. Anyway my favorite part is that you couldn't go to sleep because of laughing. Second I am not so sure about the period because also just took a writing class and the 1 space after a period wasn't mentioned, so I don't think it is official.

Shari said...

Did Rune really say Earnest's whole name, initial and all? That is so hilarious!

That's interesting about the one space after a period. I had not heard about that yet. I guess it makes sense though. Whenever I save a post on blogger and then come back to it, it has always taken out the second space. It really irritated me and I'd usually go back and fix it. I guess I'll start attempting to not be an "old fart" too (except that I realized just after I finished typing this comment that I still double-spaced after every period).

tiff said...

I love boys....