Sunday, February 14, 2010

In honor of Valentine's Day

I would now like to recount the touching story of Grant's and my engagement.

Grant had made it clear many times that he would like to get married. And though I loved him and we'd talked of marriage in our future I had made it clear that I wasn't ready to go there (as in engagement) yet. You see, getting engaged was just embarrassing. BYU was over for the regular school year and I was off to Texas for a 10 week Molecular Biology camp thingie. Grant and I tearfully said our goodbyes for the duration of the summer. Then my mother came to Utah (I can't remember why) and we were driving to my grandparent's house. Mom, like all moms, dug for details on my life and I confessed that Grant and I would probably get married, maybe December.... Then, Mom proceeded to tell me how summer is such a better time. More people could attend, weather wouldn't be an issue, there is only a two week Christmas vacation between semesters, etc., etc. In the end I agreed to get married in the summer. Let me make this abundantly clear. My mother talked me into getting married. We got to my grandparents house, I called Grant and said, "Um, do you want to get married this summer after I get back from Molecular Biology camp." And Grant said, "Are you serious?" And that was how it happened. I know you are all reeling from the romanticism.

Now, before you go and feel all guilty, Mom, I would like to assert that Grant is very happy for your intervention.
Hee hee.


Shari said...

I love this story. It's so fun to get to know you more through blogging!

Unknown said...

Well, you are a pretty practical girl... Guess Grant really owes your mom. =)

Karen said...

Ooops - That was really me. Didn't realize Courtney was still signed in. =)

garcias said...

Your such a romantic!! :) I feel fuzzy all over from your story. Well you have never been the type.

Tricia said...

My favorite part is the Molecular Biology Camp. WHO GOES TO MOLECULAR BIOLOGY CAMP????!!! The perfect detail for your drippy love story. =)

Paul J said...

Can you tell us the story of how you and Grant met? I've got another box of tissues all ready.


And who wouldn't go to molecular biology camp? They are awesome! You meet the best people!