Monday, November 1, 2010

The Winger's slogan "Just Wing It" irritates the heck out of me. I love plays on words just as much as the next advertising slogan sucker but I believe that these plays on words should at least make a modicum of sense in the multiple contexts to which they are referring. Otherwise it is not "play" it is just silly.

I have to pass a large Wingers billboard every time I go into town. And every time it irritates me. In one context Just Wing It obviously refers to "just eat a lot of wings." So far so good. But the other context should make sense with the real meaning of the phrase which is to try something even though you are not properly sure how to carry out the action. And the action referenced to must be the action of eating the wings? I suppose you could have some sort of esoteric conversation as to the proper way to eat wings, but really, eating chicken is not something you have to wing. Most everyone has been doing it since chicken was domesticated around 100,000 years ago (Note: that is not a real fact, I made it up since Grant the archaeologist is not around to ask). This slogan really only makes sense if it is targeting babies with newly erupted teeth or long time vegetarians. People who don't have any recent experience in chicken eating and who may actually not have an idea how to properly execute the action. However, I don't think this is Wingers target audience. In which case the slogan is irritating.

And just as soon as I forget that I'm annoyed at their slogan I make the turn off into town and.... there it is: the actual restaurant. And I'm irritated all over again.

For the love of Pete can someone else please rent that billboard!


Karen said...

Oh Sally, you're hilarious! I'm laughing as I picture you ranting and fuming on your way into town. If I were a rich girl, I would so rent that billboard AND buy out the restaurant. Then, as an added treat, I'd let you decide what took their places. =)

Sally said...

If you could install a nice little box lunch place run by Taiwan nationals that would be nice.

Paul J said...

I'm okay with Wingers renting the billboard. I mean, it could be worse. It may get rented by the local laxative company. "Just cleanse it" doesn't inspire the same image as, say, Nike's "Just Do It" or even Wingers "Just Wing It". Be thankful.

But I agree that they need to at least change their slogan. How about: TRY WINGERS - C'MON, DON'T BE CHICKEN.

garcias said...

I vote for you Sally with the lunch box place. Anyway thanks a lot because now I will always see the sign and think about how they messed up with their slogan. Then I will blab to everyone I see on how they messed up and it won't even be my idea. Then they will say wow what good thoughts and I will say I am just following my big sister and her ideas.

JS said...

I love this! I don't think like that when I drive. It is usually me trying to drown out kids or I get to my destination and I was on auto pilot and can't even remember getting there!