Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mmmmmm. Grubs.

So, Grant was chopping wood yesterday and he found a little colony of hibernating grub worms. He brought them in to show everyone and I suggested throwing them to the chickens who I figure are in desperate need of real nutrition, it being the dead of winter and all. But Grant thought WE were in desperate need of nutrition and decided to fry them up and eat them. The boys were excited, Lily was skeptical and, believe it or not, so was I. They turned out to be.....delicious! The aroma and flavor was exactly that of roasted pine nuts. In fact, I hardly got a taste because the kids chowed them too quickly. Lily being the biggest hog of all. Grant had to go back to the log and dig out some more. Some of you may want to disown us as friends and family members after this post, but I promise you, if you were able to eat one of these tasty morsels without knowing what it was, you would ask for another.


Jennifer Never said...

You should go out and find more grubs and invite your neighbors over for that culinary experience. If I lived there I would so totally be there,...but I'm not...so I'll have to pass. Dang it!!

I think everything tastes like pine nuts to you guys. The A-tsi tasted like pine nuts too. I just don't know...

Rach said...

Okay...I read that you want me to respond but after reading this lastest blog....I'm not sure I want to. :) I still think you should publish your own cook book.

Julie said...

Sally...you and Grant are made for each other. Everyone else would run for the hills. Its nice to know that when all turmoil happens and the end of the world is here I can dig up some grubs, fry'em and they will taste good. WoW!