Thursday, February 19, 2009

TV show vent

We don't have cable and generally don't miss it, although it does mean that we are horribly behind media-wise. I mostly have no idea what people are talking about when they discuss the latest shows. It's occasionally embarrassing.

Then we signed up for Netflix and have been having fun renting movies that everyone on the planet has seen except for us (because they came out at least 5 years ago) and watching fun things on instant play like Scooby Doo movies and old Dr. Who episodes. Then we had the brilliant idea that maybe we will watch one of those TV series that everyone seemed to love and we would no longer be the freaks that don't even know what is playing on TV. So we started watching Heroes. And to tell the honest, embarrassing truth, I didn't even know the show existed until a week ago. Four episodes later and I'm torn. The story line is very interesting....BUT here is a list of the character vices I've noticed so far:

1. Violence
2. Murder
3. Rape
4. Underage drinking
5. Purposeful drug abuse
6. Fornication
7. Adultery
8. Internet "soft" porn

Could they have packed any more sensationalistic depravity and debauchery into FOUR EPISODES??? It's bordering on ridiculous. I mean, has our culture slipped so far that an engaging plot of ordinary people discovering they have super powers is no longer sufficiently interesting? We need all of the above listed items to hold our attention? Apparently so. Good grief. I guess this is why I gave up TV in the first place and I'll have to go back to my old TV show inexperienced ways. Sigh.


garcias said...

I'd stick to the ignorance. Today's TV shows are pretty terrible. I wish I wasn't addicted. At least I am only addicted to reality TV.

Mom said...

Do you remeber when we gave up TV?
You were in grade school. You went up a whole reading level when we weren't hooked to the tube. I don't want to go back to regular TV, dad says that we've been without cable for over 25 years. But I do enjoy PBS.

Shari said...

We don't have cable and we don't miss it. We don't even get local channels because that's part of your cable purchase. It is sad that we can't watch Conference on our TV, and I know Jon occasionally misses watching a good football game.

We do, however, have an embarrassingly large library of movies. I bought a lot to make myself "happy" while we were struggling to get pregnant with our first baby. We also enjoy our Netflix, but I'm pretty picky about the TV series and movies we watch.

Sorry about your experience with Heroes. If it makes you feel any better, I don't know much about the show either.

Bluebird & Company said...

glad you posted this.
I am shocked every time we see a show at someone else's house or occasionally when we can get our one station to work. Some of the commercials are even worse!
I think we(no TV people) are more shocked because we haven't been desensitized. It's a good thing though.

Flops said...

My TV vices are House and 24. For you Sally, I'd say you should avoid 24 for it's insane amount of violence and disregard of the law. House is up your alley if you can get past vicodin addiction.

Julie said...

I tried to watch Hero's too. It's just not worth it. Moving to Taiwan was our big "giving up TV" moment. And we really havn't gone back. Those Direct TV and Cable guys call all the time and want to know how much I spend and tell me what they can save me. They are always completely confused when I tell them, I don't want any of it. It's a very hard concept for some to grasp!

Rachel said...

If you are looking for a good show to watch, rent John Adams. It is a HBO mini series about our 2nd president and his wife. I am loving history movies right now. Amazing Grace is another awesome film. Also STOP watching TV and read the book I recommended "The Dog Says How" so I can discuss it with someone. :)

tiff said...

You're so right. We have cable (because Grandma had it) and their are a few things that I LOVE. A few good shows and the DVR. I've recorded our favorite shows so we can watch them when we want, and fast forward the commercials. We want to cancel the cable as soon as we record onto dvd the shows we have saved on the DVR. Of course, then we'll have to get a converter box..... And I'm kind of wishing for a TiVo so we could record stuff if we wanted. Then again, maybe there will be nothing to record once we're down to just 17 stations. Pretty sad when you need 300+ to find a few shows worth watching.

Anonymous said...

I also don't have cable...I own and watch shows like M*A*S*H and Frasier, and also get Netflix, classic, old, tried & true movies. It's sad for us oldsters to see what regular TV has turned into. I hope and wish that kids weren't exposed to all the stuff you lowers the value of life! Agree, agree, agree with you.

Unknown said...

It is very nice post about tv show. I also like tv show. I have watched so many tv shows. But My favorite is Frasier. I watch Frasier episodes online regularly..