Friday, December 4, 2009

Moved in

Sort of. There are boxes everywhere. The Christmas tree was slapped up yesterday only for the kids. It is supremely annoying to have to put up Christmas decorations the same week you are trying to move in. Especially when your husband is working six ten hour days in a location four hours away and only comes home for 24 hours on Sundays and is therefore completely unavailable for help. He may or may not be done by Dec. 18. His supervisor assures him that there is plenty of money to keep the project going in the event that they are unable to finish by the projected finish date of the 18th. Well thank goodness. Nobody needs their dad or husband around during the Christmas season or to help with the unpacking as long as the project keeps going. Priorities, you know.

On the bright side, I'm connected to the internet again. Which is good because I will have to do all Christmas shopping online due to the fact that there is no husband around to watch kids while Christmas shopping gets done. Luckily I can peruse the blogs of my friends and family members whose houses are not in Chaos and whose family members are all present for happy holiday fun. It will be vicarious Christmas cheer for me because I don't have much of it in my house this season!

And by the way, do plumbers and electricians not need work nowadays? Because I cannot get one to call me back. *shrill scream*


garcias said...

It is good to have you back to the cyber world. Sorry your life stinks, mine isn't much better. :) I have a good idea, you can rent my husband, (that way you get a husband, and I get money. :) JK

Kristie said...

Yes, your life definitely seems to be in transition right now, Sal. But if I know you, you'll weather the storm just fine and stay calm and collected throughout. Hang in there! So...where are you?? Will you email me your new address? We don't want to lose you again!!

Julie said...

Ooooh, I am sorry. If it helps my living room is under construction and we still have no Christmas up. I hope Grant finishes his project soon so he can help you....IF thats what he will do! I would love to see pics of the new place when you get all moved know, ONE more thing to do. :)

Karen said...

Yay! Sally's back!! =) What a rotten time to move! You're a good mom to still get that tree up, though! Hang in there!!

Tricia said...

I know the husbandless life all too well. I feel for you. Creighton will be gone all next week, but he's been home so much more since we moved. (sigh of relief). It's great to see you on here again! I've missed your posts!

Shari said...

I'm so happy you're posting again. I missed reading your blog. I can imagine it's a real tough time to move! Good luck!!