Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Showering is so annoying

I take 3-4 showers a week and I hate all of them. I hate taking my clothes off and freezing. I hate the parts of me that are not being directly contacted with water being freezing. And I especially hate that moment when I have to turn off the shower and open the curtain. FREEZING. I hate waiting for my hair to dry. I hate blow drying my hair. I can't stand that my only choices are having Violet in the bathroom with me and constantly fighting with her to not pull the curtain out of the shower or else I leave her out of the bathroom and find out later what mischief she has gotten into that I will have to clean. But she's too cute to really be angry at and I usually leave her out of the bathroom because it's too freezing to fight with her about the curtain. It baffles me that anyone can tolerate showering every day.

You know what else I hate. Winter and snow. I hate snow so much now that it actually ruins my Christmas.

Dear Grant,
Next time you are applying for jobs I am begging you to consider all localities that skip winter. Rain is okay. Scorching summers are okay. Chaiyi, Taiwan is more than okay. Snow and sub-freezing temperatures depress me and actually make me perpetually angry. I mean, I know you don't read my blog but in case you ever google 'vasectomy blues' and happen to run into it...
love . . . sally


Kristie said...

Sally! Sounds like someone is having the Mom Blues or the Christmas Blues. Hopefully it will pass as all things do. Call me if you need a lift, or at least need someone to tell you how much you smell! I'm here for ya! :-)

Sally said...

It will pass when winter's over!

Karen said...

Might I suggest North Carolina? We do get cold but very little snow (if any) and lots of random semi-warm days throughout just to keep you from getting too discouraged. Case in point: yesterday, we were a balmy 62 degrees. Of course, today we're back in the 40's, but at least we had yesterday... =)

Julie said...

I too shower as little as possible. I just spent a few days with Kelly Tsai!! Man I miss Taiwan now. I love that girl and that place. If you go there, take me with you and we can go eat some real food!

JS said...

i hate snow. I hate living in it.
bummer! sorry!

ps. i take like 2 showers a week. I hate getting ready!