Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I felt sorry for myself

because my family of seven people are currently living in a one bedroom, one bathroom house.

But I've changed my mind. Suddenly, I feel very rich and blessed to have my one bedroom and one bathroom.


Karen said...

It's all about perspective, isn't it? So easy to be humbled...

garcias said...

Thanks for being us back to reality. We were feeling sorry for you too, until we realize how rich anyone is that has never had to live through such a disaster.

Tricia said...

Wow. Did I need to see that today. Thanks for the wake-up call, Sally.

amberjill said...

Thank You.

Jeff and Michelle and Aliyah said...

I agree. Thank you for that post. Things aren't as bad as they seem sometimes. We are truly blessed.

Shari said...

Those pictures are really sad.