Monday, September 1, 2008

Is anyone..

sick of me writing posts and including zero pictures? I will tell you the reason. Our computer tower resides on the floor, not on the computer desk. This means to transfer pictures from the digital camera to the hard drive I have to actually *gasp* BEND OVER. I loathe to bend over. I avoid it at ALL costs. This is not an excuse. This is the actual reason I have not posted any pictures. The pressure in my abdomen cannot take the pressure increase caused by bending over. And for that fact, neither can my thoracic cavity, bending over means I can't breathe. Bending over compresses my stomach, this equals nausea. Bending over displaces my xiphoid process, this equals pain. Bending over compresses my bladder, this equals an urge to micturate. (My recently completed Human Anatomy class has been very useful when it comes to describing my pregnancy complaints). I have a recent picture of myself to show all you friends and family members so you can enjoy the unlovliness of my last weeks of pregnancy but you will have to wait until I can get Grant to download the pictures!


JS said...

laughing out loud! not due to your pain... but your humor behind the pain.

Julie said...

I am so excited to see that picture.

Flops said...

Sally, I understood about half that process before That's why I love you.

Also to Tiff and Jen, can you invite me to your blogs? What's going on with you guys. I can't hardly keep up with anyone.

Shari said...

I don't mind that you don't have pictures posted. It's just fun to read any blog post from you. You're so funny! Keep up the writing even if you don't have any pics!

tiff said...

Ha ha...I'm so sorry you're so uncomfy! I would say, "This too shall pass...", but come on, don't you usually want to slap people who say that? Because sometimes it feels like it just might NOT pass.

Can you send me Felipe's email?

Jennifer Never said...

19 days to go!!! Yipee for you. I'll be checking back for the picture so get Grant on it! You always make me laugh. Thanks.