Monday, October 27, 2008

pet peeve---American tuna fish

What is up with the tuna around here? In Taiwan they still sold tuna that was actually composed of cohesive chunks of meat. When I was a kid American tuna was composed of actual chunks of meat. Now the tuna fish is so pulverized and mashed that it cannot be extracted from the water in the can and you have no choice but to eat extremely watery tuna fish. Or squish half the fish from the can in an attempt to get the water out. Or buy really expensive and mercury laden albacore tuna. Or to stop eating tuna fish which is what I've mostly done. Sigh.


Shari said...

Ha ha! I totally know what you mean. Luckily I found a brand here in Ithaca that's not so mushy and actually looks like a part of a tuna fillet (AND it's light tuna in water). It's called Nature's Promise. I don't know if you have it in your stores, but it's much nicer than Chicken of the Sea (isn't that the one with the mermaid on the can?--disturbing!).

garcias said...

Yeah, and my biggest pet peeve is that all of it is in soy broth. If I want to eat soy I will go and buy soy. But as it is I don't want any soy in my diet and that leaves tuna fish out now!

tiff said...

I'm with you on the tuna. Every. single. point.